Monday, September 22, 2008

If I could move mountains, I would . . .

Thank you, Faith (our sole faithful blog reader, no pun intended), for your comments on some blog starters! I am still looking for more ideas so join in and add your own ideas by clicking on "Comments" at the bottom of this post.

If I could move mountains, I would move them for you. I would move mountains to help students struggling. I would move mountains to find extra time to teach everything you need to learn and everything you want to learn. I would move mountains to ensure everyone had what they needed each day. I would move mountains so that you could instantly understand. Unfortunately I cannot move mountains, but I will do whatever it takes to help you be successful this year. I know some of you are struggling to keep up with the class and some of you want to move on. It is difficult to balance a class of 24 wonderful students. Give it time and be patient. We will get to the level of learning at which you need/desire to be!

How was that, Faith? Probably not at all how you envisioned your blog starter to turn out! Well, speaking of mountains, click on the link below to learn more about the Chisos Mountains. In a few days, we will be breaking up into smaller groups to learn about the in's and out's of the four regions on Texas. From the name of the landform, can you guess in which region the Chisos Mountains belongs? If not, you will soon learn!

I would love to move these mountains closer to me. What an adventure we could have each day! Even better, did you notice that the daytime temperatures rarely exceed 90 degrees in the basin?

In other news, Jaws returned from Breanna's house and quickly left with Josh. Sounds like he had an exciting time with both people. He is looking forward to his next visit to Ruth Ann's house. Be sure to read about his adventures in his journal! Congratulations to Tables 1 and 2 for tying for the most table points. You 8 students have earned a free breakfast with me this upcoming Friday morning. I hope you like pancakes, sausage and biscuits! New table points have begun. I wonder what treat is in store next!

Here is another game to practice your speed at multiplication facts. Play against other players and test your speed and rate of accuracy! This one would be a fun game to play in the computer lab against your classmates!

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