Monday, October 27, 2008


Election Day is coming up! Early ballots have been cast...

Parents, have you voted yet? Take advantage of the shorter lines and vote during Early Voting. Not sure where to go? Click HERE for a link to send you off!

Children, already you have talked about the voting process with Mrs. Cole. What did you learn? Is voting a critical process for America? Remember as you get older, it will be your civic duty to take part in voting! It is never too early to learn about the candidates and who might be your next leader of the America!

Here are a few acitvities you can do to show your patriotic pride:

The Ins and Outs of Voting-even have links to visit the different candidates's sites!

Project VOTE

The Democracy Project-another place to learn about democracy and your rights, as well as give you the opportunity to step into the polls!

Finally, check out these Brain Pop movies about voting, elections, and parties-political parties that is!

Brain Pop Presidential Election
Brain Pop Voting
Political Parties

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