Sunday, October 12, 2008

October falls upon us

Feels more and more like fall.....looks a little like fall. In the morning I can smell the fragrance of fall and hear the sounds of fall beneath my feet as I walk across my yard!

Fall is a wonderful time to explore and share all the uses of each sense. Unfortunately, while I did use all of my senses, I did more "telling" than "showing". Perhaps you would be able to relate to my feelings about fall better if I could "show" you what I am sensing. Here, let me try again---

Yesterday, walking across the park, the morning dew clung to my toes. By the time I hit the pavement, my feet were so wet that I needed a towel to dry off. Expecting the warmer temperatures of the afternoon, I forgot to wear a jacket and instantly became chilled as a swift wind picked up. Goose bumps filled my arms. Entering my car was a welcoming comfort from the chill. Driving down the street, I spotted a neighbor's old apple tree sagging from the weight of the ripe red apples. They held tightly to the branches as the branches danced in the morning breeze. I could almost taste that freshly baked apple pie Mom used to make using the apples we picked when we were kids. The crisp apples and fragrant cinnamon hung in the air from the distant memory.

What do I "show" about fall? What can you tell about me from the writing? If you enjoyed my description of fall, you might want to check out All for Fall by Ethel and Leonard Kessler. It is a very old book-one I can remember reading often when I was your age. The book does a great job describing the colors of fall, but brings in your other senses with the descriptions and water color pictures!

Your turn-for our newest challenge and an attempt to improve your writing, bring in your own "Show, not tell" about fall. I will be hanging them up on our "Catch of the Day" wall! Hurry, hurry-before winter befalls us!

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